Tuesday, June 5, 2012

The sin trap...

You are what you eat, you are what you think, you are what you take into your body.

Christ mentions this in reference to our eyes and is found in two places in Scripture.

Matthew 6:22 (NASB)

“The eye is the lamp of the body; so then if your eye is clear, your whole body will be full of light."

Luke 11:34 (NASB)

"The eye is the lamp of your body; when your eye is clear, your whole body also is full of light; but when it is bad, your body also is full of darkness."

If we speak to actual food, if we eat junk food and food that has poor nutritional value, then we will not feel well nor will we look well.

If we eat good healthy food, in healthy portions, then we will typically feel better and look better.

This concept works the same with what we take into our body through our eyes, ears, and senses.

If we fill ourselves with junk from this world, we will not feel like we should, nor will we look like we should.

My wife was telling me about one of her classmates the other day.  She said she looked at the student in her class and knew she was a believer in Christ.  Upon speaking with her, she was right.  My wife said she saw a light in her eyes.  I have heard this before from people who are walking out their faith in Christ.

What is it you are filling your life with?  Even as a believer we must guard ourselves, our senses, diligently!  If we must take drastic action, then so be it.

My wife and I do not have cable by choice.  We find no value in what is shown on television.  It is not worth the money nor is it worth letting the junk into our home this world would like to fill our home with.

This is our home, we must guard our bodies even more aggressively.

As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.  This Scripture from Joshua 24:15 just doesn't speak to our physical house of where we hang our hat, but our bodies as well.  

Who does your body serve?

Have you ever worked in an aggressive environment?  How people act and how people talk, and what is spoken into the atmosphere around us has an affect on us!

I worked in an office where there was a lot of cursing.  It was affecting my attitude for the worse.  I started to pray silently and quietly and play worship music at low levels so I could hear it.  Only if you came around my desk area would you hear the music.  Slowly but surely the atmosphere in the office began to change for the better.  People were not cursing nearly as much as they were before and if cursing started,  I would start to pray and I could literally hear their speech change for the better!  God is faithful and will work through His Spirit if we pray according to His will.

The sin trap is this:  in the areas we are prone to sin, we need to eliminate those things that cause us to be tempted.  If you look at women lustfully, it could mean not having cable.  Do you have pornography problem?  It could mean not having internet or cable!

Find a loving brother or sister in Christ to help hold you accountable.  Drag into the light that which Satan wants you to be embarrassed about and keep in the closet.

It starts with a relationship with Jesus Christ.  He is the only way to the Father.  From there we must identify our sinful nature and begin work to remove sin from our life.  

Without a relationship with Christ, we do not have access to the Father and we are not given the Holy Spirit as our Helper.  We must listen to the Holy Spirits convictions and follow His lead.  We can do all things through Christ and He doesn't give us more than we can bare, but we must be willing to bare it.

Paul was willing... and he found Christ's grace to be sufficient.

If we fail to strive to eliminate sin from our lives, we will never reach the potential that God has planned for our life!

Read your Bible, pray pray pray.  Find a Bible believe Bible preaching church.  Find a group of Christ followers who will love you and help you.  There is power in numbers!

Don't let pride get the better of you.  If you do Satan has you right where he wants you.

Are you in the sin trap?

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